Believing in tomorrow 

The Sustainability Department celebrates its 10th anniversary, having brought systematic and even greater strength to the themes of Environment, Social, and Governance, which have always been in Brembo’s DNA. This journey continues to strengthen through daily concrete commitment.

Our Vision of Sustainability

Cristina Bombassei, Chief Legacy Officer, explains Brembo’s vision of Sustainability and the importance of the Sustainability Report for the Group:

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Dear Stakeholders, 

Brembo’s Sustainability Department celebrated the 10th anniversary of its foundation in 2023 — both a milestone and an encouragement in our sustainability journey. Over the past ten years, we have made considerable progress and shaped our vision of a sustainable future. As every year, you will find the achievements and results of this process described in detail in this Consolidated Disclosure of Non-Financial Information.


2023 was a year of growth for Brembo, in spite of the global challenges and ongoing transformation of the automotive sector. Within this scenario, the Group's sustainability plan continued to steer our strategy, in keeping with the UN 2030 Agenda. Our activities embrace all ESG — Environmental, Social and Governance — aspects, taking account of their impacts on the Group and the Group's impacts on people, communities and the environment, thanks to the double-materiality methodology.  

Our People are at the heart of everything we do. In 2023, we continued to invest in talent development, promoting an inclusive work environment that respects and supports each person’s uniqueness. We are determined to continue to increase the wellbeing of our global team, which reached 15,652 people at 32 production and business sites in 15 countries.

They are the ones who create the Brembo of the future every day. The innovation that our People express is directed not only towards new products, but also towards ESG areas. We recognise this every year in the Brembo Sustainability Awards, which in 2023 reached their fifth edition, with 57 projects submitted.

Within this context of commitment and innovation, one of the pillars of our strategy is ensuring the Group’s environmentally sustainable development. In 2023, CO2 emissions per cast tonne decreased by 11.2% compared to 2022, and CO2 emissions per unit of finished product also declined by 9.5% on the previous year. The use of electricity from renewable sources reached 75% of the total and 100% in three countries. Our ambitious goal is to reach net zero by 2040.

In addition, based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, work continued on a project to reinforce the Brembo Climate Change Risk Assessment, a broad, thorough analysis of the risks that climate change poses to our business and how best to deal with them.

In addition, in 2023 CDP once again recognised Brembo as a global leader for its action on climate change and water resource management, assigning it a score of A- in both categories.

Our social commitment also expanded. As our international programmes — among which I would like to mention the House of Smile in India — continued to meet with success, in 2023 we launched the Child Friendly Space project to support people hit by the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria in February.

In addition, Brembo was System Partner to Bergamo-Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023, an initiative of extraordinary social, cultural and economic importance for the area in which the Group has its roots. This year's activities and results are a cause for pride to us, while also encouraging us to keep doing more and better, with determination and passion, to support the positive, responsible development of our Group.

For all of this, I extend my sincere thanks to my team and all Brembo People, who together with us help spread and strengthen the culture of sustainability in our Company.

Chief Legacy Officer                    
United Nations Global Compact
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Since 2021 Brembo N.V. has been a participant in the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest strategic corporate citizenship initiative that arose from the desire to promote a sustainable global economy, respectful of human and labour rights, environmental protection and the principles of anti-corruption.

Promoted by former UN Secretary Kofi Annan, more than 24,000 companies from 167 countries have so far joined the Global Compact, creating a new model for global collaboration.

The UN Global Compact requires companies to share, support and apply in their sphere of influence a set of fundamental principles on human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption.

By participating in this initiative, Brembo N.V. has joined a universal network of companies with a long-term strategic vision, oriented towards the promotion of the culture of sustainability, innovation and reporting.

The Global Compact provides an opportunity to share strategies and good business practices in response to global challenges, to use ESG-related management tools and resources and to be involved in specific working groups.

In 2023, Brembo participated in the study by Global Compact Network Italia “Italian Business Commitment towards Net-zero” conducted in collaboration with IPSOS (a market analysis and research organisation) and presented to an international public for the first time at the COP28 in Dubai.

The study aims to outline the state of the art regarding the Climate Action and commitment of Italian companies and, in particular, their contribution to the net-zero target, highlighting the drivers and barriers that characterise the Italian business community.

Brembo N.V.’s participation in the Global Compact testifies to its long commitment to sustainability, which over the years has featured an increasing focus on numerous fronts and adherence to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN 2030 Agenda.

Sustainability is not an abstract concept for Brembo, but consists in daily concrete practices, designed to balance economic decisions against an assessment of their social and environmental impact in relation to the expectations of all Group stakeholders. It’s for this reason that this topic is integrated in the new company Purpose.

Brembo’s Purpose ​  

Electrification, digitalisation, autonomous driving and environmental sustainability are macro-trends that have been at the centre of the automotive world and the strategies of the market’s main players for some years.

Within this scenario, Brembo has been pursuing its mission of becoming a Solution Provider by proactively rising to the challenges posed by the ongoing transformation, focusing on the needs and desires of the new generations, which will be the users of tomorrow.

Brembo continues to invest significantly in innovation, driven by its vision “Turning Energy into Inspiration”, which encourages the Group to extend its sphere of influence to embrace energy management in its broader meaning, not only in terms of components, but also in its role as authoritative systems provider. In addition to innovative hydraulic and mechanical components, innovation is also applied to software and artificial intelligence: this combination allows to aim at a high added-value product and service integration in order to anticipate the new mobility paradigms.

At the heart of the Group's strategic vision there is also an overarching commitment to sustainability that has become a modus operandi within Brembo, permeating all activities, processes and products. This sustainability-driven approach is increasingly present also in the relationship with its People, with its supply chain and in the local areas in which the Group operates.

In 2023, the Group continued to implement strategic projects within the three Pillars — Digital, Global and Cool Brand — through dedicated working groups that leverage a shared leadership and the cross-cutting competencies of all parties involved, engaging all Group Regions and outlining the growth direction for the forthcoming future.


The world has entered the era of artificial intelligence applications focusing on data processing. The ability to analyse and manage data is a crucial skill for continuing to grow and create innovation. Accordingly, Brembo has set itself an ambitious goal: becoming a company that, alongside the production of braking systems, is able to develop and offer all-round solutions to its customers through the widespread dissemination of a solid data culture within the Group and an increasingly data-driven approach.


Brembo has long ago embarked upon its decentralisation path and has now become a Group operating in 15 countries worldwide. Within this context, the Global Pillar aims to balance the Group’s international footprint, not only from a commercial standpoint, but also in terms of technology and innovation, by developing and encouraging excellence at local level for the benefit of a global organisation whose mindset is based on multiculturality, valuing of diversity and inclusion.

Cool Brand

Brembo does not set limits on creativity and considers it essential to continuously engage in strengthening its brand, anchoring it to new trends that are reconfiguring mobility in line with the values and sensibilities of the new generations, especially Generation Z. The objective is thus to identify their passion, needs and tastes, and translate them into a unique brand experience able to generate tangible solutions.

In 2023, the second edition of the Brembo Hackathon was successfully completed at the Brembo Inspiration Lab in Silicon Valley: participants immersed themselves in machine learning and artificial intelligence to revolutionise today’s braking technologies, going beyond the traditional innovation processes, in line with Brembo’s vision.​​​

The Group’s Values

Ethics, Quality, Acknowledgement, Proactivity and Belonging are the five guiding values, enshrined in the company’s Code of Ethics, that make up the wealth of Brembo’s shared culture, as well as a benchmark for conducting the company’s business and operations in full respect for all the Group’s stakeholders.

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Countries in which the Group is present

Group brands

Research centres of the Group


Million net investments

Million turnover

Sustainability Ambassadors within the Group

Sustainability Champions within the Group

Ideas competing for the Brembo Sustainability Awards

Sustainability objectives published

Brembo’s employees trained on the Code of Ethics in 2023


Proportion of women in the BoD

Annual meetings of the Audit, Risk & Sustainability Committee (ARSC)


Members of the BoD with ESG-related skills


ISO 27001 certified sites

Brembo People

Over training hours provided in 2023


ISO 45001 certified plants


Local supplies: supply from suppliers located in the same geographical areas where the Group operates


Suppliers of direct materials that since 2015 have been involved in social and environmental audits (in terms of value of supplies)

Patents, utility models and designs

FTE People employed on R&D activities


Plants with IATF 16949 quality certification


Less emissions of CO2 per cast tonne compared to 2022


ISO 14001 environmentally certified plants


ISO 50001 energy certified plants


Less emissions of CO2 per unit of finished product compared to 2022


Electricity coming from renewable sources

Action areas for social projects

Million Economic value distributed

Over Unique beneficiaries reached since the launch of the “House of Smile” project

Awards and Acknowledgments

  • Brembo has been confirmed as a Top Performer for ESG Identity in the Integrated Governance Index (IGI) 2023. This quantitative analysis model, developed by ETicaNews, measures the integration of environmental, social and governance issues in corporate strategy. Ranking in the upper range of the IGI means Brembo is among the 19.5% of Top Performer companies. It also ranks first in the Consumer Goods and Services category.
  • Brembo obtained a significant result in the CDP Water and CDP Climate questionnaires, achieving an A- score, an important recognition of the Group’s commitment to environmental sustainability. This score reflects Brembo's efforts to effectively manage and reduce its impact on water resources and greenhouse gas emissions — two crucial problems for the planet. The result encourages Brembo to continue its current journey, striving to further improve its performance in terms of resource management and its contribution to the fight against climate change.
  • The Aragon Social Responsibility Plan was launched at the end of 2015. The goal is to promote socially responsible practices among the greatest possible number of companies, organisations and self-employed professionals in the community. For having successfully completed the Aragon Social Responsibility Plan, on 14 July 2023 the Aragon Institute for Development (IAF) granted Corporación Upwards ’98 S.A. the 'Aragon Social Responsibility Seal'.
  • For the twelfth year running, Brembo (Stezzano site) received WHP accreditation (Workplace Health Promotion), confirming its constant commitment in providing its employees with high health and wellness standards.
  • Brembo received the 'Gold Sustainability Rating 2023' from EcoVadis, a French company that is currently the largest provider of corporate sustainability assessments, with a global network of over 100,000 companies in 200 industrial supply chains and more than 175 countries. Based on 21 sustainability criteria, the EcoVadis rating assessed Brembo's performance in four key areas: the environment, work and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. At the end of the monitoring process, the Group was awarded a score of more than 70 out of 100, placing it in the top 5% companies in the ESG arena.
  • SBS Friction recently obtained the prestigious 'Svendborg Climate Award', promoted by GO2Green and Svendborg Municipality. This award was created to reinforce the commitment to the ecological transition and celebrate those who already stand out for their concrete actions. It aims to offer sustainable examples of work organisation and daily life to inspire more people and companies to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
  • At the Vendor Meet for the manufacturer Royal Enfield, on 28 July 2023 Brembo Brake India was named strategic partner for performance in terms of quality, obtained thanks to an excellent PPM score, which allows it to support customers, enabling them both to overcome quality problems in the field and respond to quality problems relating to the line in real time. Royal Enfield appreciates and rewards the initiatives adopted by Brembo Brake India, also in the sustainability area. These include energy saving projects (recovery of heat from compressors, full LED lighting and improved ventilation system), renewable energy development projects (plant's rooftop solar installation and reduction of natural gas in painting booths) and water conservation projects.
  • For the fifth year running, the CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project), a global non-profit organization independent that supports companies in measuring and managing climate change information, awarded Brembo with a 'double A' for having proven to be a leading Company at global level through meaningful and transparent actions in terms of climate change and water resource risk management.​​
  • BREMBO ENESYS, Energy Saving System® has been awarded from Iveco during the event BEYOND – Iveco Group Days with the 2022 Iveco Sustainability Together Award. Brembo wins for the best solution for improving the sustainability performance of a product or process. ENESYS, Energy Saving System® is the Brembo solution that can reduce the residual torque of the brakes and therefore also fuel consumption and C02 emissions, and was appreciated above all for its ability to bring tangible benefits in terms of lower environmental impact to the next generation of Iveco Daily vans.
  • Brembo was ranked among the Top Performers ESG Identity in the Integrated Governance Index 2022, the index that measures the integration of Environmental, Social and Governance topics in corporate strategies. This level includes companies that scored in the upper range of the IGI, in addition to the top companies in the size and sector rankings. Brembo, in addition to being ranked among the 19 Italian 'Top Performer' companies (equal to 22% of the sample analysed), also ranked first in the 'Consumer Goods and Services' sector classification.​
  • Brembo is proud to be part of Sodalitas Call for Future in 2021, which involves companies committed in Italy to implement actions for a sustainable future according to the UN 2030 Agenda, and young people, citizens of tomorrow's world. Sodalitas Call for Future is an initiative of Fondazione Sodalitas.
  • EticaNews has awarded Brembo with the ESG IDENTITY - IGI COMPANY label, in recognition of companies that have accepted the challenge of the Integrated Governance Index 2021. ESG Identity is defined as the alignment with an ESG purpose to be integrated into the corporate culture, compliance and strategy. The label certifies the company's ability to expose itself in terms of sustainability as a priority, governance as an enabler of long-term sustainable identity and transversal awareness, i.e. bringing the discussion on ESG into the heart of the company to each employee by soliciting all the multiple functions involved and accelerating the transversal sharing of information and expertise. The label is not a sticker for results, but an indicator of consistency, commitment and vision.
  • BNAC won the 'Nio Quality Premium Partner 2021' for the excellent front caliper production and efficient supply service for all the car lines of NIO, a Chinese automotive manufacturer.
  • ​Apodaca's disc processing in Mexico has obtained the Ford Q1 certification for the fourth time with the maximum score of 100. The Q1 is a specific certification for individual plants that have the ability to manage supplies optimally, meeting all the requirements for quality, logistics, standards, methodologies and effective communication flows with the customer.
  • General Motors has awarded the 'Supplier Quality Excellence Award' to the Apodaca plant, in Mexico, and, for the fifth year running, to the Betim plant, in Brazil. The award recognises suppliers who demonstrate their commitment to quality excellence and is awarded only to those who can ensure maximum performance in terms of technical requirements related to quality, production and delivery of products. General Motors uses thousands of suppliers throughout the world, but only a fraction of these are given the 'Supplier Quality Excellence Award'. The huge commitment to customer satisfaction, elimination of waste and pursuit of sustainable development along the entire supply chain, has enabled the Group’s plants to stand out among their suppliers and to live up to this important award.
  • For the tenth year running, Brembo (Stezzano site) received WHP accreditation (Workplace Health Promotion), confirming its high level of commitment in providing its employees with high health and wellness standards. WHP is a process in which a company becomes a workplace that promotes health choices through the gradual implementation of 'Good Practices', activities aimed at improving workers’ health.
  • Brembo confirmed its second place in the category of Corporate Leadership in CSR & Sustainable Growth-National in the eighth edition (2021) of the Corporate Social Responsibility Awards promoted by the European Union’s Chamber of Commerce in China. The CSR Awards aim to acknowledge the successes, raise awareness and share experiences of sustainability amongst companies that promote and operate corporate social responsibility in China. The initiative presented by Brembo in the 2021 competition was the Sustainability Governance Model, a model used to manage, monitor and measure all the sustainable projects promoted by the Group. Other projects of a similar nature accompanied Brembo’s 2021 proposal.
  • Brembo received the Platinum Sustainability Rating on EcoVadis, a rating attributed to only 1% of the companies evaluated, improving the already excellent results of previous years. EcoVadis is a sustainability performance monitoring platform, which helps companies manage relationships and exchange information with their supply chain on this issue. The lasting partnership with customers, founded on cooperation and shared objectives that put people and environment at the centre, is an aspect that Brembo believes is crucial for ever more sustainable development.
  • To recognise Brembo’s commitment to responsible management of water reso​urc​​​​​es and reducing CO2 emissions, the non-profit organisation CDP (ex Carbon Disclosure Project) confirmed the Group among global A-List companies both for the ‘Water Security' and ‘Climate Change' categories for the fourth consecutive year.
  • Due to the dedicated commitment and awareness towards the theme of sustainability, Brembo was awarded by the Daimler Group as the most sustainable supplier for the results achieved in 2019. The 'Daimler Supplier Award 2020' was awarded during a ceremony held at the Carl Benz-Arena in Stuttgart which the German Group's 450 best strategic partners from 30 different countries took part in. Our company was selected as the most sustainable supplier because of: 'its comprehensive, systematic and holistic approach to sustainability as well as the efforts it has made to reduce CO2 in its production processes'.
  • Also for 2020, the third year in a row, EcoVadis awarded Brembo with the Gold CSR rating, the recognition given to the 5% of the companies with the best sustainability performance assessed by the platform. The score of year was 70/100 and confirms the Group's continuous commitment to CSR issues.
  • Achilles, platform which evaluates through questionnaires the ability of suppliers to meet sustainability standards, has validated Brembo N.V. and Brembo Poland with the rating 'Silver' for the year 2020 for having answered comprehensively to the questionnaire submitted.
  • Brembo ranked second in the category Corporate_Leadership in CSR & Sustainable Growth-National of the 2020 7th Corporate Social Responsibility Awards promoted by The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. The CSR Awards aim to acknowledge successes, raise awareness and share the experiences about sustainability within the organizations that promote and exercise corporate social responsibility in China. The initiative presented by Brembo in this contest was 'We support SDGs', a project designed to spread knowledge of the goals and raise awareness regarding sustainable actions.
  • General Motors has awarded two of Brembo North America’s manufacturing plants and the one of Brembo do Brasil with the 'Supplier Quality Excellence Award' for their outstanding performance in 2019. The award acknowledges suppliers who strongly demonstrate their commitment to quality excellence. General Motors utilizes thousands of suppliers around the world, but only a small fraction of those receive this Award. To receive it, Brembo production facilities must meet General Motor’s most stringent quality requirements including low overall quality issues and rejection rates, maintenance of quality certifications, and no plant disruptions or major shipping issues.
  • For the third time in a row, Brembo was awarded by the independent international organization Carbon Disclosure Project for leadership in corporate sustainability, securing a place in its prestigious 'A List' for the categories 'Climate Change' and 'Water Security'. For CDP, the Group has proved to be a global leader through proven, meaningful and transparent action against climate change and the risks of water resource management.
  • Brembo was awarded for its new Greentive disc with the Automotive Innovation Technology Award 2020 during the 13th International Automotive Conference 2020. With this acknowledgement, the organizers of the event - some of the most authoritative players of the automotive industry in Europe and China - intend to promote the technological development of the sector along the coordinates of innovative smart mobility.
  • For the ninth consecutive year Brembo (Stezzano site) has received the WHP (Workplace Health Promotion) accreditation, validating its high degree of commitment to providing high health and wellness standards for all its employees. WHP is a path that leads a company to become a workplace that favors health choices through the gradual implementation of 'Good Practices'. A Good Practice is an activity that has proven to be effective in improving the health of workers.
  • Brembo N.V. was awarded in Assolombarda in Milan, as part of the 'Welcome. Working for refugee integration'​, an acknowledgement given by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to companies that distinguished themselves in promoting the professional integration of refugees and in supporting their integration process in Italy for the 'SOSteniamoci' project.
  • Brembo ranked first within the Industry and Consumer Goods sector in in the Integrated Governance Index (presented on 13 June at the ESG Business Conference). The index, designed by ETicaNews and Top Legal with the scientific support of numerous industry associations, measures the degree to which ESG (Enviromental, Social, Governance) topics are integrated into corporate strategies. In 2018, Brembo placed sixth in the top 10, ahead of Pirelli, Saipem and Unicredit and Poste Italiane.
  • Brembo was included in 'La Mappa della Sostenibilità' or Sustainability Map Project, an initiative presented in October 2018 at Università Bocconi in Milan during the 'Salone della CSR e dell'innovazione sociale'. The Sustainability Map is intended to provide the first overview of responsible companies in Italy and has been developed on the basis of a number of objectively tangible elements. The Map was created by CSRnatives, a network of over 250 university students and recent graduates who are 'passionate' about sustainability.
  • The Q1 Award is the highest honour which Ford lends to its first-class suppliers. It shows that quality requirements, reliability, logistics, engineer achievements, process innovations and customer satisfaction are always at the highest level and have continuously highest priority. With Q1, Ford extends the standards of international quality standards. It covers a full spectrum – as defined in the specially created rules – with fundamental quality and production standards, which are to guarantee that all suppliers, also in the future, will continue to operate successfully in the market and are constantly evolving.
  • Brembo Corporacion Upwards 98 (Spain) won the Corporate Social Responsibility award during the 'La III Noche del Clúster de Automoción. Industria de Aragón'. The goal of this initiative was to publicly recognize the best projects and practices related to Sustainability. Brembo was chosen for its commitment on the matter, in particular for the organizational structure that governs the issues of Sustainability, the characteristics of its Non-Financial Statement, the adherence to the 2030 Agenda, the project 'We support SDGs' to encourage knowledge of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 'Brembo Sustainability Awards' competition launched to spread the culture of Sustainable Development.
  • 'It is a team perfectly integrated into the Company's production process and combines the legal and economic knowledge necessary to develop projects and solutions for the Company.' With this motivation, on 17th October 2019 the Legal Department of the Group won the 'Inhousecommunity Awards' for the 'Team of the Year Industry' category. The award ceremony had the aim to highlight excellence in the world 'in house' in Italy, that is the best top managers and teams inside the companies.
  • To recognise Brembo’s commitment to responsible management of water resources and reducing CO2 emissions, the non-profit organisation CDP (former Carbon Disclosure Project) included the Group among global A-List companies in the 'Water Security’ and 'Climate Change’ categories.
  • The Brembo project "SOSteniamoci", for the integration of unaccompanied migrant minors, was selected among the 6 finalists of the Sodalitas Social Award in the category Combating inequalities, social inclusion and new welfare solutions. The project was recognized by the Jury of the Award as an example of value in reducing social inequalities, responding effectively to the needs of individuals and communities and included in the "Golden Book of Social Responsibility"​.
  • The short film “NumerUomini” received a special mention during the Foreign Press Globi D’Oro Award Ceremony held on 13 June 2018 in Rome. NumerUomini​, directed by Gianfranco Ferraro, documents the life path of young people from leaving their homeland, marked by war and poverty, when they arrived in Italy and joined the project started by Brembo and the NGO CESVI "SOSteniamoci".
  • Brembo — along with 36 other Bergamo area companies — received the Confindustria stamp of quality for its student internship programmes​. This award is intended to recognise the student internship programmes offered by companies that stand out for their ability to form positive collaborative relationships with local schools.
  • The Group’s commitment to promoting the health and wellbeing of its workers has received recognition from the Associazione Confindustria Bergamo, which rewarded Brembo for its participation in the WHP – Workplace Health Promotion project​, for which the Group has been one of the main advocates since 2011. This initiative, in partnership with the local health authorities and Bergamo’s entrepreneurial association, is designed to promote healthier lifestyles and eating habits among workers of the companies involved.
  • Brembo was named by CDP also as one of the 31 world’s leading companies in terms of commitment to guarantee Water security​. At world level 18 companies are included, together with Brembo, in both the A-lists Climate Change and Water Security. Of them only 7 are European companies. 3 Italian companies are included in the Climate Change A-List and only Brembo is included in the Water Security A-list.
  • Brembo has been recognized by the independent international organization Carbon Disclosure Project, also for the year 2018, as one of the 136 leading companies at global level for its commitment and capacity to respond to Climate change​, awarding it an “A” score (on a scale ranging from the lowest D- up to the maximum of A), maintaining its position in the Climate A List, already achieved last year.
  • Brembo is a member of the Achilles platform, which evaluates through questionnaires the ability of suppliers to meet sustainability standards. The Group, which responds to customer requests by filling in these surveys, has received a certificate of validation for the Brembo Poland Dabrowa and Brembo N.V. sites.
  • Since 2016, the Group has been a member of EcoVadis, a sustainability performance monitoring platform that defines 21 CSR criteria based on international sustainable development standards, selecting those relevant to the Company in relation to predefined criteria (e.g. activities, geographical location, ...). In 2018, Brembo achieved a result of 69/100, which confirms the maximum level of Gold CSR rating​. i. e. the award given to 5% of the most virtuous companies in the sector in question. ​
  • FCA tier one suppliers (such as Brembo North America) are measured by the amount of business that they source to minority, women and veteran owned businesses.
    Brembo attained Green status for 2018​, which means that it has met all of the expectations for sourcing, as well as participation in the MatchMaker and supplier diversity training programs.
  • The 'House of Smile' and 'I was a Sari' projects received the Impresa Award, set up by the Italian-Indian Chamber of Commerce, in the 'Community Development (Society) Awards 2017'​ category; this award is dedicated to corporate initiatives that have made the biggest contribution to the development of local communities in India. The two projects were judged to be the best from among more than 50 initiatives presented by as many Italian and Indian firms.
  • Brembo received the 'Ambrogio Lorenzetti Award'​, dedicated to companies that have distinguished themselves in the last three years for having adopted good business management practices, through a correct and effective governance structure and activities. The award, announced by GC Governance Consulting, aims to encourage companies, institutions and managers to carry out activities to improve corporate governance and give recognition to those who have developed ideas or projects and identified tools for effective corporate governance safeguards.
  • At the first edition of the Fiat-Chrysler Sustainability Supplier of the Year Award​, Brembo was recognized as the best supplier for sustainability in EMEA for the year 2012. Brembo received this important award after an audit carried out by a third party commissioned by Fiat-Chrysler.
  • Brembo was rewarded with first place in the Large Enterprises category of the​ 'National Prize for Corporate Social Responsibility, Città di Rovigo', the first initiative in Italy to be launched and organised by a local authority on the subject of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The company was recognized for its commitment to developing voluntary CSR initiatives in line with the proposals of the European Commission and implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies.
  • Brembo received the Oscar Awards for the Annual Report and the Financial Communication for Listed companies. The prize is awarded every year to those companies that, starting from the financial statements, succeed in creating and maintaining an effective corporate communication system capable of transmitting the salient characteristics of the company to interested publics, improving its visibility and transparency.